Okmulgee Alumni Guestbook

I am a graduate of Okmulgee High class of 1989. Just checking to see who all has signed the guestbook.

Added: October 4, 2009
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Greetings all class of 93 represented!

Added: October 3, 2009
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Added: September 27, 2009
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I am signing in on the guestbook for you. It is nice to see something about Okmulgee. Not heard alot about my class of 1978. Would like to see a reunion or something happen. Since I moved away, don't hear alot of what's going on. You're doing a good job - keep it up!

Added: September 17, 2009
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How 'bout those Winfield sisters!

Added: September 5, 2009
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Looking forward to reunion this year. Class of 69 was agreat year and I hope many classmates can make it.

Added: August 10, 2009
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Thanks for the super detective stuff. Tom Payne invited me down about three years ago so I made the breakfast at the square doins. Great seeing him and going back to Okmulgee. Teen Town was the greatest thing in the world to me in the 9th grade (57). So was testone. Eventhough I became Rougher in 59 I really have a great memory of many that went to Wilson and was in Guy Carr's band. Good to see the web site.

Added: August 9, 2009
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Came in next to last at the Edmond Senior Open this year but hey,I made the cut

Added: August 4, 2009
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Charlene, enjoyed speaking with you today. you're somewhat of a detective. I almost never see anyone from Okmulgee, tks for the website & reunion info. hi kbpilot........

Added: July 28, 2009
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I promised char I would sign the guest book so here I am before it starts to rain. I have to mow you know.

Added: July 28, 2009
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